clock has overall 360 degree. So for every minute
minutes degree = 360 / 12 / 60 = 0.5
Is just the number of degrees the hour hand moves per minute. Think about it - the minute hand travels a full 360 each hour. Therefore there are only 60 minutes in a full revolution. 360/60 = 6 degrees per minute for the minute hand.
(hour * 30 + minute * 0.5) - (minute * 6)
def clockangles(hour, minute):
ans = abs((hour * 30 + minute * 0.5) - (minute * 6))
return min(360-ans,ans)
Final Solution:
static int calcAngle(double h, double m)
// validate the input
if (h <0 || m < 0 || h >12 || m > 60)
System.out.println("Wrong input");
if (h == 12)
h = 0;
if (m == 60)
m = 0;
// Calculate the angles moved by hour and minute hands
// with reference to 12:00
int hour_angle = (int)(0.5 * (h*60 + m));
int minute_angle = (int)(6*m);
// Find the difference between two angles
int angle = Math.abs(hour_angle - minute_angle);
// smaller angle of two possible angles
angle = Math.min(360-angle, angle);
return angle;
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